Corporate Services
The whole package
We will talk you thorough the process of how to set up your first company, right from the word ‘go’. Within 24 hours, your company will be created. From there, we will discuss with you in detail about what your aims and objectives are and how to go about achieving the desired results.
We then look at establishing your corporate image – we look at the whole picture, from the typeface that you use on your letters, the company logo, and the type of business approach that works best for you.
From there if you require, Starjammer Internet can begin to construct a company website for you, opening up a whole new world of commercial possibilities to you.
Company Formations
Company formations are undertaken with a reputable underwriter – we keep the whole process transparent, and from there we then begin to set your company up for you. Incorporation is merely the first of many steps. We’ll help you with the little steps inbetween incorporation and the very beginning of trading. But we don’t stop there.
Once you’re up and running, we’ll be there to help out if need be. Our range of services is specifically tailored for the small start-ups and enterprises that often fall off the radar due to their very nature. We’re here to help you hit the ground running.
Every part of a business has to have structure and procedures to follow in order to function. We can help you develop these functions and strategies with your business in mind. We can help you develop a number of processes and systems within your business, making your life that much simpler.
We can help you with document design and development, business processes that need to be constructed or improved, or streamline processes that have over the years have either become convoluted or unmanageable.
Whether you are aiming for accreditation or process improvement on an existing method of doing things, we’re only a phone call away: 01243 933203.
Documentation development
Once things are officially set up, we can start to work on your corporate identity. From your logo and livery, letterheads and business cards, we’ll develop your brand for you, making it instantly recognisable and memorable.
It makes a big difference when everything is part of the whole experience. You want to stand out, but your business is a reflection of who you are in some respects. Let us work with you in order to produce the business model and image that you require and deserve.